Relief through de-escalation and public dialogue with freedom of the press

on the subject

I ♥ mistressROHRSTCK=Jerusalem

The website is in phase 1, so actually not finished at all. Standard language is German. All other languages are automatically translated.

I freedom of the press.

Of course I mean me. and I want to make money from it. That I can spend in the fight for freedom of the press.

I press release

also meant sweet ♀ Autonomous at the Autonomous Congress in Bologna.

The revolution will be a celebration or it will not be.

I freedom of the press

also meant Rosa Luxemburg, Tuchozky, Wolinskyy and Schimpanzky


Roda Roda


love slaves

Slave girls love Venus with

sweetening of stains

I the Venus

I Jerusalem

I the cane

Dr. Bernhard Farkasch hat DIE

Entdeckung im Cervantismus


Jerusalem =


Sieg Sieg Sieg

Sieg für Sigismunda

Gloria Victoria

für Sigismunda

und die Transsylvanier 


Jerusalem = Venus = My wifey cane that is a great discovery I would have made 20 years ago.


Ich möchte gerne selber denken

mit eigenen Gedanken und


und wenn mich dabei jemand wieder einmal dabei stören will, singen ich satirisches, transsylvanisches deutsches Liedgut:

Thoughts are free

I Jerusalem

I freedom of the press

Loving freedom of the press is natural. Especially the freedom of the press that you have yourself. But we stick with Rosa Luxemburg

Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently

this is especially true for

Freedom of the press is always the freedom of the press to think differently.

Because freedom of the press is the basis of freedom in general. Who thinks differently.

I ♥ Freedom of Thought


freedom of the press

I Jerusalem

I freedom from satire

Who thinks differently. The jihadists in the Gaza Strip and their freedom of the press has been violated. By a new method. You shouldn't let that get away with you. This violation of press freedom must be punished satirically. The jihadists love Jerusalem and want to proclaim their love to the whole world through freedom of the press.

Hear Cervantes' satire Conquest of Jerusalem...


Jerusalem is truly loved.

Because for us Swabian Transylvanians, the Al Aksa Mosque is a special place, because it is located in it

the tree of life.

the tree of life German version from the fairy tale

From the mac trading boom

handed down by the Brothers Grimm

Zum Märchen

dieser Lebensbaum soll sich also in der Al Aksa Mosche in Jerusalem befinden. Gibt es hierfür Beweise ? vielleicht.

Es ist zumindest ein Glaubenssatz der Transsylvanier. Vielleicht verzögern wir unser outing.

Here you can see the new Heraclio Bernal on the flight to Mexico. He considers it his patriotic duty to establish freedom of the press anywhere in the world.

First what happened.

The PALESTINIANS have fired rockets at Israel, as they have done many times before. 🚀,

In retaliation, the Israelis bombed the PALESTINIANS. Totally fine under international law. Every state has the right to defend itself. However, the shelling of the press building violates international law. Here the press could safely spend the night. Because, in accordance with international law, the PALESTINIANS had informed the ISRAELIS where the press building was located. This means that the press building has the same status under international law as a hospital or a kindergarten. There are no armed PALESTINIANS in it, only journalists. mostly foreign nationals, with one right.

freedom of the press

freedom of the press

for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

freedom of the press

for Al Jazeera

Here speaks the Transylvanian Messiah, the Christos from Galilea. On behalf of



What happened next after the bombing of the press building:

Numerous journalists left.

For they had saved nothing but their bare lives. In their panic they had their equipment in the press building. and therefore they had nothing more to do in the Gaza Strip. They got on a plane and still said :

Journalists are free.

with your thoughts on Jerusalem.

Because that's what I mean as a representative of Satyricon and also Freddy Quinn. Because Freddy Quinn was of course also a friend of freedom of the press and freedom from satire. That's why he sings a satire song with satire from the house of Austria.

to note:

Thoughts are free

and fly

(small break)


recon posed

from Swabia and Staufer fans

Journalists are free

and flee

like nocturnal shadows

Journalists sit on the plane and leave the Gaza Strip. Destroyed your equipment in a bomb attack on the press building, thinking:

thoughts are free.

And while they flee so flying, of course they also think:

Thoughts are free

of course the thoughts of freelance journalists on the subject of freedom of thought

They would have liked to have reported freely from the Gaza Strip

they can't anymore because:

they sit in a plane and fly.

You were free to fly

That's why journalists are free.

And so they sing while flying:

Journalists are free

with her thoughts

they flee

they shall not waver

Freedom of the press has obviously bothered the Israeli government under Netanyahu. Because freedom of the press creates freedom of expression. Freedom of expression internationally on the subject


Currently it was about Jerusalem.

Unfortunately, Al Jazeera didn't have a report on the oil sheiks from the Emirates.

Bild Laut wikipedia gemeinfrei

new text

new text

The Caliph / Sheikh / Emir just wanted to pull himself out of the affair. He looked pretty stupid

as agent of


For this emir and his followers do not wish to be bred by any owner Madam Rohrstock. You just don't feel like it.

and means flee flee to the Emirates on the Persian / Arabian Gulf

Escape to the Emirates

denn  seine Herrin  Donna Rohrstock   Don Sztockman meint es ist sinnlos. Ihr könnt der Liebe unserer lieben Frauen nicht entkommen.


just like Romy Schneider

the stupid mule

The one that looks at us here as a mule made up foolishly, unfortunately, you have to make satrie. For they recently crucified.

in front of the city

El Toboso de la Mancha

The city that bears the name of its lord

El Toboso de la Mancha

volgo too

called Hyerusalem

The holy city of the Catholic Transylvanians

still missing bible quote

new text





  zum Thema


mussten verhindert werden.

 Aus diesem Grund beschoss die israelische Regierung unter Netanjahu völkerrechtswidrig das palästinensische Pressehaus zu bombardieren. Das leere natürliche. Denn wenn Israel direkt Journalisten tötet/ermordet ergibt es eine schlechte Presse.

 Die Errmordung von Journalisten muss deshalb in 2 Schritten geschehen. Zuerst werden sie aus dem Pressehaus vertrieben und dann werden sie durch V -Waffen =Vergeltungswaffen ermordet.

 Der Fernsehsender Al Jeezera berichtete darüber. 

 Doch war es überhaupt Mord,

um seine Unschuld zu beweisen muss Netanjahu die Feste Zion verlassen. Sich ein Joch um den Hals binden und bei Frauchen Rohrstock, Bzw bei Madam Sztockman um Gnade winseln.

new text

Venus Stockman:

Dear Germans

you killed 6-8 million Jews


click here

Venusz Sztockman

Venus Stockman

I am the real real Venus Stockmann. Because for for one

Venus is way too fat for Elena Sztokman

So dear Deiusche click, because you can't escape my love

Venus Stockmann

Hier steht er nun auf der arme BenJaMin vor den Toren Jerusalems auf Golgota wie weiland Jeremias mit einem Joch um den Hals, bereit das Joch der Ehe zu ertragen.

und er meint:

Drum prüfe wer sich ewig bindet

ob sich doch was bssres findt

er bindet sich an denn Pfahlus der

Venus Stockmann

Denn als Ehefau


Venusz Sztokman zu dick

Danach küsst er seiner Venus die Füße

und damit ist er verheiratet.

Nachdem er er richtigen Venus Stockmann die Füße geküsst, hat darf er weiteren Stklavinnen der Venus die Füße küssen. Zum Schluss auch die Füße von Minka Schneider alias Romy Straßenburger .Da freut sich Benjamin Netanjahu. Denn Minka Schneider ist eine Antifaschistin aus dem Ostblock und war verantwortliche Chefredakteurin von Charlie Hebdo.  Hier fühlt sich Benjamin Netanjahu geborgen.

szüsze Minka

Leider hat die Venus Romy Straßenburger wieder Unsinn erzählt. Und deshalb die mittlere (siehe Bild) Venus, Frauchen Rohrstock in Aktion mit dem Rohrstock (el toboso) etwas Cervantinisches

to the cervantes

After that, Benjamin was allowed to wash, kiss and massage these sweet feet of Madam. However, Benjamin was being tortured. Classically with a vice helmet like Don Quixote wore.

Because then the world looks like this after half an hour Madam Jerusalem was done googling. Venus Benjamin's slave was also domesticated surprisingly quickly by his dominatrix. And so the following conversation ensued:

Venus: dear son dear Ben yes

What do you see ?

Beni: the light of firm Zion

Venus: Who shines for you?

Beni: Venus my guiding star!

Venus: and what is the name of your guiding star

Beni: Jerusalem

Venus: Beni, you will soon love Jerusalem. !

With that, the vice helmet snapped shut. And in utter darkness the slave of Jerusalem had to hear like his guiding star



Shelling Gaza in retaliation is legal under international law. And if journalists die in the process, then they are simply unlucky. As I said, Al Jazeera reports about it and can be received in Germany via cable television.

We are proceeding here strictly in accordance with international law. The retaliation for rocket fire is artillery fire

legal under international law. And if by artillery fire coincidentally Journalists die, they just had bad luck. Just like children who coincidentally to be killed. Or ambulances that coincidentally came under artillery fire.

international law not legal is the shooting of:




press housesn

That's how it is with Justitia the blind cow

Es geht um folgenden Zynismus:

Journalismus weden werden ermordet . Das ist natürlich in jeden zivilisierten Staat illegal. Es sollte für Justitia unerheblich sein, ob sie mit einem vergifteten Pilzgericht, einem Küchenmesser, einem Revolver oder einem Maschinengewehr ermordet werden.

Aber bei Journalisten tritt folgender zynische Fall ein.

Ein Journalist wird getötet. Seine Tötung war natürlich Mord, weil das Töten von Journalisten  in zivilisierten Saaten verboten ist. Mord ist natürlich auch nach dem Völkerrecht, einen Journalisten in einem Pressehaus mittels Bomben zu töten.

Kein Mord ist es einen Journalisten zufällig in einer Vergeltungsaktion z. B. auf der Straße zu töten. Unabhängig davon ob, er in der Nacht, oder am Vormittag im Pressehaus geschlafen oder gearbeitet hat.

That's how it is with Justice. She has to throw everything into her scales blindly. Also in favor of Netanyahu. Coincidentally Killing journalists as part of a retaliatory action is not


Of course that's also a pleasure

the born Transylvanian



Benny Gatz

He's getting out of a tank here. Then:

opens des

Tank cover

climbs out


From the journalist's point of view, things are different.

It doesn't matter to him whether he was killed correctly or incorrectly under international law. And they should thank Netanyahu for the error in international law in clearing the press building. Because most journalists don't want to become martyrs for press freedom. And thanks to Netanyahu, they got a few days off. They might even be allowed into the Emirates. Or a relaxing weekend

Al Jazeera kämpft also für die Pressefreiheit und gegen den Zionismus. allerdings hat Al Jazeera, wahrscheinlich unterbewusst, die beiden Dinge gekoppelt. Wir tun das nicht. Weil wir können uns vorstellen können das: zionistische Juden besser Zionistische Jüdinnen auch für Pressenfreiheit sind. wie bespielsweise diese hübsche Maus

The Unknown Zionist

It seems to be one


to act

Imagine ladies and gentlemen

I would be a wild one


imagine ladies and gentlemen

they walk all alone in the Golan Heights

and suddenly I'm lying there

Venus or, like us Jews, Leila

The queen of the night

for my name is Jerusalem, and you shall love me

all German neopuritan anti-fascists must watch the video.

And mean consistently with Rosa Luxemburg, Tucholzky and Roda Roda

Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently

This also applies to Jews who think differently

Zionist Jews.

And we also want an interreligious dialogue with them for the purpose of

religious relaxation.

Because without religious détente between Jews and Muslims, the state of Israel will be nothing more than a footnote in history in 200 years.

But I tell you:

We Germans have a special obligation to the Jews because we put millions of them in concentration camps. But that should not prevent us from being for press freedom. Therefore, this topic should be freely discussed.

That is the problem of the Arabs' press work in the fight for their freedom of the press. That freedom of the press must be a value in itself.

Freedom of the press only for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, few in Germany would agree with that.

Not even in Turkey. There should be freedom of the press for the Turks. Because the word Islamic Jihad is a recovery. It was the Ottoman caliphs who, for centuries, acted as the islamic state a Islamic Jihad have led.

And the Ottomans were not anti-Jewish. Only the city of Jerusalem. It should continue to be in Muslim hands.

And that's why not only all Germans should become slaves to the Pascha von Ficking, so that I can send the Ottomans a proper tribute. So flee who can still flee...

you cannot escape Venus

Werdet Sklaven des Paschas von Ficking:

Damit ihr nicht zur Hölle fahret.

for hear the words of your Lord


8 And you shall say to this people: Thus says the Lord: Behold, I lay before you the way of life and the way of death: 9 Whoever remains in this city shall either die by the sword, or of famine, or of the plague ; but whoever goes out and goes over to the Chaldeans who are besieging you, he will live and take his life as spoil

Jeremiah 6:6-8

For to defect to the Chaldeans Is to become a slave. And slaves will be ruled with the pipe.

And never engage in sexual activity without permission again. A slave is not even allowed to masturbate. It's no wonder that a slave comes into heat, or through Miss Cane's Spanish pipe, because sooner or later a slave will fall into heat.

The slave falls into heat so much that: he roars like a rutting stag in the rutting season.

HE then says fervently to her new father:

Your will will happen

The Jews from Jerusalem could do that

practice on earth.

on earthly-heavenly slave market at the gates of Jerusalem

Later they were to follow their Messiah

and say:

Our Father Thy will be done

As in heaven so also on earth

(Bible passage well known)

The slaves dream of their mistresses in their REM phase. and present their dolcines. her sweet, sweetest Venus, her giants. Especially then:


she convinces

obedience to the Word of God produced oxytocin

Links hat Farkasch die Transsylvanier-Bibel in der Hand. Zur feierlichen Verkündigung der frohen Botschaftfür alle Satireliebhaber

El Toboso

 ist das Licht das allen Menschen in finsterer leuchtet. Euer 


 in der Nacht

follow this guiding star

as Cervantes did, because then there is a beating

if you don't follow this guiding star, there will be more beatings.

I would like to be your guiding star

your Venus

But you have to do some training beforehand

At the Ottoman faithful

Pasha from Fucking

yes it's me: the




your light

in the dark heart.

public domain at wikipedia

I want to be your jihadist Venus

I was born naked

(helpless like a little child)

I stand naked in front of my lord the mistress

Helpless like a slave from the Lord's vineyard

Wer mein Sklave wird Sklave Gottes !

Amin I know you are ex.

 Gnade Gnädige Frau, inzwischen steht es in vvikipedia.

Jerusalem = EL = Venus

So listen slave:

I'll let my slave girls kick you in the balls. if you can't explain. why me

El Toboso,

your venus


Richtig für Deutsche  bin ich EL


Sklave Gottes, Sklave von mir, von


Was steht genau in VVipedia

Slave of El toboso, slave of God

now write the big book of DON Quijote de la mancha and don't forget you are speaking on behalf of

Schon wieder  läufig

hermossisimo Lucero

Thank you so much for persevering with the satirical introduction to Cervantes' work DON Quixote

first resolution. to the real village of Toboso. If you look for this village of Toboso on the map, you will find that it is called

El Toboso

This is one of the resolutions of the problem in Roman is about El de la mancha first to the question of who is

We look up EL on Wikipedia.


und stellen fest daß


in der Sprache

leider steht in wikipedia nicht daß

der dschihadistische osmanische Kalif

der Vertreter von El auf Erden sein soll.

Aktuell gibt es den Konflikt in Malaysia.

Dort dürfen christen nicht Allah sagen.

und auch nicht


wenn wir wie das deutsche Wikipedia behaupten dass:

El = Allah ist


Wir wollen auf keinen Fall EL = Allah im Zusammenhang mit Satire sagen. Das ist noch übler als mit Satire den Propheten Mohamed lächerlich zu machen oder aus dem Koran zu zitieren. Wir wollen Entspannung durch Diskussion. Es ist deshalb strikt verboten in Zusammenhang den Namen Mohamed und den Namen Allah zu erwahnen. Auch das Zitiren aus dem Koran ist strikt verboten..

Wir dürfen aber wie Cervantes El toboso zu unserem Frauchen sagen.

El tubusus = i vülgarlatein 

Denn El tubusus ist ein Rohrstock

This is what a tube looks like. He is in reality a tube tubusus. there, consists of a series of small tubes. The slave is treated with the tube tubusus for the purpose of producing spots. span manchas best on the ass. With every tubing, the value of the slave increases. He becomes more obedient. According to Cervantes we still have to introduce donecellas. So don = mistress and cella = diminutive form little mistress. a little mistress will be Romy Straßburger on our website. As a satirical punishment for her time at Charlie Hebdo

Zitate aus wikipedia

verschiedene Sprachen,

Es geht um die Sprache von dem kleinen Landadligen (Hidalgo) der in Galilea wohnte und der Messias war. In dem kkleinen Kaff Nazareth. Diese Sprache wurde (und wird ?) an der Unversität Tübingen gelehrt. Leider habe ich vergessen wie sie heißt der Name an sich ist schon lustig. z. B. Alt-Mittel Neusyrisch oder eben z. B .mittel neu mittelsyrisch. sie muß strikt unterschieden werden von mittel neu alt Syrisch und sollte keineswegs verwechselt werden mit Neu-Mittel-Mittel Mittelsyrisch. Syrisch beinhaltet.Natür auch Mittel alt Neusyrisch.... usw. usf.. Die Sprache unseres HERRN aus Nazareth ist aramäisch, hat aber mit dem dem heutigen aramäisch soviel zu tun wie Berlinerisch mit Wandalisch, wobei das  Berlinerische die wandalischere Sprache ist.

das entscheidende Wikizit:

ʼĒl (also ʼIl, Ugaritic: 𐎛𐎍; Phoenician: 𐤀𐤋;[1]Hebrew: אֵל; Syriac: ܐܠ; Arabic: إيلʾīl or إلهʾilāh; cognate to Akkadian: 𒀭, romanized: ilu) is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "god" or "deity",


Cognate forms are found throughout the Semitic languages. They include Ugariticʾilu, pl. ʾlm; Phoenicianʾl pl. ʾlm; Hebrewʾēl, pl. ʾēlîm; Aramaicʾl; Akkadianilu, pl. ilānu.


The Semitic root ʾlh (Arabicʾilāh, Aramaic ʾAlāh, ʾElāh, Hebrew ʾelōah) may be ʾl with a parasitic h, and ʾl may be an abbreviated form of ʾlh.


The Semitic root ʾlh (Arabicʾilāh, Aramaic ʾAlāh, ʾElāh, Hebrew ʾelōah) may be ʾl with a parasitic h, and ʾl may be an abbreviated form of ʾlh.

wir Interessieren uns für jesus von Nazareth sein Verhältnis zu seinem einzigen, monotheistischen Gott


syrisch:   ܐܠ;

aramäisch: der Buchstabe L bzw EL oder ʾl

wenn wir auf deutsch predigen wollen sagen wir el.

Aramäisch:   ʾAlāh

Aramäisch:     ʾAlāh, ʾElāh

Hier kommt der springende Punkt, um sich über den Lord von Nazaret unterhalten denn Syrisch = Aramäisch, eindeutig = aramäisch, zweideutig. Das muss zuerst verstanden werden. Bei wikipedia schlecht erklärt. Meine Persönlich Meinung, die Wikischreiber haben es selbst nicht verstanden.

und nun das üble deutsche Wikipediazitat:

El war der Name des höchsten Gottes der Ugariter im 2. vorchristlichen Jahrtausend. Sein Name wurde durch die Israeliten übernommen und mit JHWH (יהוה), ihrem einzigen Gott im Tanach, identifiziert (z. B. Num 23,22 EU). Häufiger wird allerdings der ähnlich klingende hebräische Plural von Eloah (אֱלֹהַ), Elohim, als Alternativbezeichnung für JHWH verwendet, z. B. in יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל „JHWH Zebaoth Gott Israels“.[1]

Davon ausgehend entwickelte sich der Name el zu einen Gattungsbegriff für „Gott“, „göttliches Wesen“ oder „göttliche Natur“ in vielen semitischen Sprachen (daher stammt der arabische Gottestitel Allah, „der Gott“); außerdem wurde er zu einem theophoren Namen, d. h. einem „gott-tragenden“ Bestandteil von Personennamen, Ortsnamen oder Eigenschaften im Tanach, der auf JHWH hinweist.

Der arabische Gottestitel

Allah = ... Jahwe = hier  muss frau  queerdenken = Zion

Idle readers

many thanks for that:

don't see their muses wasted on other muses.

Special to the muse music. Finally, I make Menippean satire

Please participate

my fight

Freedom of the press, religion and satire.

Und weil wir menippische Satire machen führen manche die meisten Klicks zu der



Benny Gantz from Swabia

is very keen on daughters of ZION who become Zionist with him. Totally right in


Neuer Button

Schwabensekel Benny Gantz

ist gantz scharf auf Töchter ZIONS, die mit ihm zionstisch werden. Gantz richtig in:


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