Relief through de-escalation and public dialogue with freedom of the press
on the subject
The website is in phase 1, so actually not finished at all. Standard language is German. All other languages are automatically translated.
I ♥ freedom of the press.
Of course I mean me. and I want to make money from it. That I can spend in the fight for freedom of the press.
I ♥ press release
also meant sweet ♀ Autonomous at the Autonomous Congress in Bologna.
The revolution will be a celebration or it will not be.
I ♥ freedom of the press
also meant Rosa Luxemburg, Tuchozky, Wolinskyy and Schimpanzky
Roda Roda
I ♥ the Venus
I ♥ Jerusalem
I ♥ the cane
Dr. Bernhard Farkasch hat DIE
Entdeckung im Cervantismus
Jerusalem =
Sieg Sieg Sieg
Sieg für Sigismunda
Gloria Victoria
für Sigismunda
und die Transsylvanier
This is about National Socialism
we want to know how National Socialism worked. Of course with the purpose that such a murderous regime never comes to power again. Unfortunately, the Germans need a little brainwashing for this. through satire. Charlin Caplin will take me there
Listen I wish I was a chicken
That was a Führer order from Reichsfuhrer Adolf Hitler in 1936
Anton Hynkel
– ein Diktator mit Weltmachtfantasien
Song lyrics :
"I wish I had a chicken."
Hitler, the German chicken (Hinkel) thinks naturally
I would like to have a chicken for all Germans.
Christmas fantasies by Anton Hinkel:
song lyrics
"I wish I had a chicken
I wish I had a chicken
I wish I were a chicken ?
I wish I were a chicken ?
I wish I were a chicken !
I don't have much to do!
I lay in the morning
only one egg and after noon
I would be free
if you say afternoon
you have to say in the morning too
what did I say?
you say morning
and when he lays an egg in the morning
the morning is gone anyway.
Christmas fantasies by Anton Hinkel:
I have to get this kid a chicken to feed him.
I can dream of becoming a great socialist dictator one day. And at Christmas every child has their Christmas goose and all the children will call me Hynkel.
The great dictator.
Es müsste eigentlich weitergehen aber wir wissen noch wo es gibt noch weitere, wichtigereDinge zum Nationalsozialismus zu sagen.
(6-8 Mio ermordete Juden)
The dictator's name is Hynkel. Hinkel is Austrian like Hitler. means chicken Hitler is national & socialist. Currently a national socialist. how about if all of Germany had a chicken in a pot. A French king had already promised that. Capitalism has made the promise impossible.
1913 the great artist Adolf Hitler sits in a Viennese coffee house
Ich bin die osmanische Prinzessin Mihrimah und hätte gerne Meinungsfreiheit ,
nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern in der ganzen Welt. Meinungsfreiheit durch presse-,religions und Satirefreiheit.
I ♥ Jerusalem
weil dort der
irdisch himmlische Sklavenmarkt
stattgefunden hat
und I ♥ Sklaven und Sklavinnen,, die bei mir ihren demütigen Dienst antreten
Dear friends of freedom of the press and satire, this is our new mistress, the Ottoman Princess Roßa. A slave who was willing to be mounted by the Turkish caliph. As a slave, I no longer had a horse and said in the language of the riders / knights I am always bay Reut also in Bayreut.