Relief through de-escalation and public dialogue with freedom of the press

on the subject

I ♥ mistressROHRSTCK=Jerusalem

The website is in phase 1, so actually not finished at all. Standard language is German. All other languages are automatically translated.

I freedom of the press.

Of course I mean me. and I want to make money from it. That I can spend in the fight for freedom of the press.

I press release

also meant sweet ♀ Autonomous at the Autonomous Congress in Bologna.

The revolution will be a celebration or it will not be.

I freedom of the press

also meant Rosa Luxemburg, Tuchozky, Wolinskyy and Schimpanzky


Roda Roda


love slaves

Slave girls love Venus with

sweetening of stains

I the Venus

I Jerusalem

I the cane

Dr. Bernhard Farkasch hat DIE

Entdeckung im Cervantismus


Jerusalem =


Sieg Sieg Sieg

Sieg für Sigismunda

Gloria Victoria

für Sigismunda

und die Transsylvanier 


UM these web pages are much easier to understand if you understand the new Heraclio Bernal i.e. Bernhard Farkasch So we ask the question

What do you want?

This answer is really honest.

To chart a way to de-escalate tensions in this world.

Not only for the Catholic Church but also for everyone else. For these tensions are also fundamentally religious.

What more do you want?

Honest answer: make money

Of course first of all for these websites, then also money for me. Money to spend as I please. THE reasons follow

What else do you want? if I don't

This point is also important

to have a meaningful job. I've been a workaholic my entire life. If I didn't work a day, I was dissatisfied. I still am today. Also, I couldn't and can't fall asleep

When I haven't worked

This point is not that important, I could get a hobby.

You have chosen an excellent option to integrate images and text into your website. Move the image in this container as you like, the text will adjust itself automatically. You can easily and creatively display meetings/events, team members, new products and more. First insert an image from the image picker and edit it just like other images in the system. For example, link the image to existing pages on your site, to a site's URL, to a popup, or to a bookmark. After selecting the image, add the text. The text can be a description of the image, but the image can also be used just for decoration. \nYou have chosen an excellent option to integrate images and text into your website. Move the image in this container as you like, the text will adjust itself automatically. You can easily and creatively display meetings/events, team members, new products and more. First insert an image from the image picker and edit it just like other images in the system. For example, link the image to existing pages on your site, to a site's URL, to a popup, or to a bookmark. After selecting the image, add the text. The text can be a description of the image, but the image can also be used just for decoration.

Heraclio Bernal

Der fromme Ministrant

This is where a senior altar boy is cycling to a Catholic church. A big event is coming up. Confirmation is coming soon and the auxiliary bishop is coming to a pastoral mass. Of course, the altar boys have to practice this beforehand. They should also sing along loudly at the pastoral mass.

This also happened at my confirmation at Holy Trinity Church in Sindelfingen, Germany. But before that I had met a nice jihadist. These supposed altar boys were slaves of God, just like the Muslims. At this time the confirmand got a symbolic slap or a slap in the face from the auxiliary bishop. According to the Bible

If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn the other as well.

Here's what happened:

The auxiliary bishop slaps me on one cheek and I hold it out. The auxiliary bishop did not expect that. There is a clearly audible slap in the face. Turn the other cheek to the auxiliary bishop's confusion. I was so piously focused on the heavenly aspect of the Mass that I didn't think about the earthly.

Because this also included my body language. She clearly said a slap in the face and I'll hit you in the face.

The matter was funny but could be explained by me.

A very violent outburst of piety could not be explained. I had an erection while praising God.

So to put it theologically at the Benedicere during the Sanctus. I was so happy to be able to praise God on earth that I got an erection.

Unfortunately I wondered why.

Not only when I was a super devout altar boy, but also afterwards

And that's how it came about

project of my life

The project of my life also includes proclaiming the Bible to the Muslims. To reduce tensions between religions through interfaith dialogue

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Identifizieren Sie Ihre Ziele und erreichen Sie sie

When was my goal, the project of my life, identified. Very early. It was already clear to me as a pious altar boy. The Catholic Church has a problem after the Second Vatican Council. She wants to promote the position of women in the Church. And if acolytes have a stand stands


he is hard as concrete (EL toboso, Cervantes)

Even after the fair

Even if nothing unchaste happens, the altar boy has sinned in his mind. Simply because he wanted to praise God (Benedicere). The contradiction was already clear to me as an altar boy. My ethical roots as a Danube Swabian came to my aid

From the military frontier. Just don't worry unnecessarily. And the question of what happens when I have unchaste thoughts. I'll go to hell Certainly not. Will the time in purgatory be lengthened. Let's let God decide. He certainly doesn't mind being praised.

To this came the following

My mother's family was traditionally Catholic. That didn't mean she was anti-lust or intolerant.

But traditionally a member of the family has always been a monk. That explains my inclination to theology. Although I never wanted to be a monk.

Our Legal Team

T Um mich ganz zu verstehen, betrachte man das Bild unten. Wir sehen zwei Damen, die einen Herrn einrahmen. Angenommen er kann nicht fliehen und muss sich die Argumente der Damen anhören. Irgendwann wird der Herr zu einem Sklaven und die Damen bleiben Damen. Aus der Sicht des Sklaven allerdings werden die Damen zu Madame's. Wie gesagt er hat keine Chance, den er hat zwei Damen gegen sich die ihn ins Kreuzfeuer nehmen können. Verteidigt er sich gegen die eine fällt ihm die andere in den Rücken. Absolut keine Chance hat der EHE malige man in der Mitte wenn er zum Männchen wird und ein Frauchen hat. Besonders übel wird die Situation, wenn das Männchen masochistisch ist.

Solche Überlegungen hatte ich schon als frommer Ministrant. Denn ich hatte schon ein Frauchen, eine DschihadistIn.

Doch wie kommt eine DschihadistIn an einen Christensklaven. Einen Ministranten, der ein Sklave Gottes


Relativ einfach

Durch die Waffenbrüderschschaft zwischen der Waffen-SS-Division Prinz Eugen und der Waffen-SS-Division Handschar.

Betrachtet man den zeitlichen Ablauf war der erste Schritt die Bekanntschaft zu ehemaligen  Waffen-SS-lern

Diese hatten mit Gründen Vertrauen zu mir.

Genaueres auf meinen Bezahlseiten.


The man in the middle finally saw it. LIKE DON QUIXOTE, HE MUST go into some captivity to be humiliated there. Like the Hidalgo from Galilee. But before he is made a woman, there is one last supper. In modern terms, a "candle-light dinner". Unfortunately a "blind date" which, according to Roman law, leads to immediate marriage.


Fresh garden salad

Fresh young vegetables

Wikipedia recommends grapefruit as a starter because it has been scientifically proven that it is super-Christian for Adam to seduce Eve with a grapefruit.

ifAdam Eve

19,55 $

Geräuchertes Rinder-Entrecôte

D further satirical menus on our payment pages for 5€

5 €

Pappardelle with mushrooms

For unsatisfied women who LOVE to be a merry widow. The mushroom 🍄 dish is ideally served in the restaurant. Mushroom 🍄 in ...?

is not explained. BECAUSE IT WORKS.

12,55 $

Lemon meringue

1 Zitrone 🍌 an der Ecke steht ein 🚹 der Macht die Frauen 🚺  an. ❤..Bett. ..f..kt dick &fett.

❤ ♥️ ❤

15,55 $

quarterArtboard 3 copy


Each of us wants our children to be happy. It is usually a top priority for a parent or caregiver. But did you know that happiness isn't just happiness? It is a skill that can be learned, cultivated and developed. So if your child is struggling to find their happy place, we have tips and advice for developing habits that can bring joy and happiness. How about some good news?

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John Doe, der bereits in den angesehensten Küchen Chicagos Delikatessen zubereitete, bietet nun bei Michigan Dining kulinarische Exzellenz. Auszubildende, Mitarbeiter und Gäste gastronomischer Veranstaltungen profitieren von seiner langjährigen Expertise und Kreativität hinsichtlich besonderer Gastronomieerlebnisse. 

Doe hat einen Abschluss des Culinary Institute of America und absolvierte seine weitere Ausbildung in New York, Chicago und Detroit.

Mathieu de L.


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