Relief through de-escalation and public dialogue with freedom of the press

on the subject

I ♥ mistressROHRSTCK=Jerusalem

The website is in phase 1, so actually not finished at all. Standard language is German. All other languages are automatically translated.

I freedom of the press.

Of course I mean me. and I want to make money from it. That I can spend in the fight for freedom of the press.

I press release

also meant sweet ♀ Autonomous at the Autonomous Congress in Bologna.

The revolution will be a celebration or it will not be.

I freedom of the press

also meant Rosa Luxemburg, Tuchozky, Wolinskyy and Schimpanzky


Roda Roda


love slaves

Slave girls love Venus with

sweetening of stains

I the Venus

I Jerusalem

I the cane

Dr. Bernhard Farkasch hat DIE

Entdeckung im Cervantismus


Jerusalem =


Sieg Sieg Sieg

Sieg für Sigismunda

Gloria Victoria

für Sigismunda

und die Transsylvanier 

our father

Our Father Thy will be done. That's what the Ottoman slave had to say to his master. For the kosars of the Barbarian Coast also had a master. The Ottoman Sultan. The true fisher of men. Because with the conquest of Byzantium by the jihadist Mehnet the Conqueror, the real Rome was conquered. Constantinople There was no longer a Christian emperor who, as emperor, was the head of all Christians. There was only one Sultan who was the head of all Christians. For the Orthodox Church claimed to be the only true Christian Church. Following Simon Peter, the fisher of men. With the conquest of Constantinople, the Ottoman Mehmet the Conqueror claimed to be the true Fisher of Men. Anyone who lies down like Cervantes (right) acknowledges the following after the Turkish court ceremony: Dear Ottomans, you are the true fishers of men, following in the footsteps of the fisherman of men, Simon Peter. Slaves must add our father Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Im wahren Rom, dem  Rom von Kaiser Konstantin, galt noch römisches Recht. Obwohl sich das Land  (1450)  längst im Feudalismus befand, gab es aus religiösen Gründen noch Sklaverei. Römisches aus der Zeit 0 vor Christus. Da gehörten Sklaven, also sprachbegeabte Zweibeiner ohne Menschenrecht genauso wie nicht sprachbegabte vierbeiner (Großvieh Ox und Esel,Pferde zur patriachalischen Großfamilie alle in dieser Familie mussten zum Familienvater sagen

Vater unser , dein Wille geschehe.

All images of the Madonna come from the Slovak Church in Austria. The murals are very good. because they contain a first impression and a second impression, depending on the illumination and how long they are looked at. First impression they are beaten with a stick. On the bare ass. No wonder the naked angels are in a bad mood. The second impression here is something read aloud, something that appalls the angels. From a scroll, perhaps from a Torah.

maybe one of them is Hungarian-German like Frida Kahlo and

sings like Frida Kahlo

I would like to be your rabbi

First I want to read the Bible to you.

new text

Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden, spricht der HERR, die sollen sie fischen; und darnach will ich viel Jäger aussenden, die sollen sie fangen auf allen Bergen und auf allen Hügeln und in allen Steinritzen.

Jerem 16: 16

This is about the fishers of men in general.

What do the fishers of men catch, a man. Or a male mermaid

Rechts und unten sehen wir schlechtgelaunte Engel die von IHRER MADONNA nim nächsten Augenblick gleich gezüchtigt werden.

A slave (Catholic or atheist) reads the Bible

Yes it is the word of the LORD, of

EL, toboso

24Chastise me, Lord, but with moderation and not in your wrath, lest you wear me down.(Psalm 6.2)(Jeremiah 46:28)(Habakkuk 1.12)25But pour out your wrath on the nations who do not know you, and on the generations who do not call on your name. For they devoured Jacob and devoured him; they cleared him away and ransacked his home.(Psalm 79.6)

yes, that is the word of the LORD. I need to be chastised. already here from earth.

So chastise me, oh lord, already here on my lord.

Of course I will punish you. Because you are a Catholic. but of course with moderation.

I have HIM in my hands

He who is hard as concrete.

And come on the order of


He who is hard as concrete

It must be. It's about the interreligious dialogue with the Ottomans. Because as my slaves you may


namely in an Ottoman satire

Allah mi presente a vostra singori

It is about interreligious relaxation through de-escalation and interreligious dialogue. A conflict escalated in Malaysia. On the subject: Christians are allowed to call their God Allah. Pope Francis escalated the conflict vigorously. Up to the last level of escalation.

He declared Malaysian Christians martyrs for their faith. Because now it was and is the case that the sultans were no longer able to de-escalate the conflict. And neither does Pope Francis.

Neither will future popes.

Against this background, interreligious dialogue is actually impossible.

We want to get the dialogue going again.

Social Experiment

Denn hier ist sie,  die Menschenfischerin.

Stella Maris, auf deutsch Meerstern.

Das sie Himmelskönigin ist ist an Farben ihres Gewandes leicht zu erkennen.

Blau für Himmel und rot für eine Königin.

Denn ,wer humanistisch gebildet ist, weis das:

Der tyrannische, etruskische König, dem Rom unterworfen war trug einen purpurroten Mantel.

Zeit den Petervardeiner Rosenkranz zu beten

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