Relief through de-escalation and public dialogue with freedom of the press

on the subject

I ♥ mistressROHRSTCK=Jerusalem

The website is in phase 1, so actually not finished at all. Standard language is German. All other languages are automatically translated.

I freedom of the press.

Of course I mean me. and I want to make money from it. That I can spend in the fight for freedom of the press.

I press release

also meant sweet ♀ Autonomous at the Autonomous Congress in Bologna.

The revolution will be a celebration or it will not be.

I freedom of the press

also meant Rosa Luxemburg, Tuchozky, Wolinskyy and Schimpanzky


Roda Roda


love slaves

Slave girls love Venus with

sweetening of stains

I the Venus

I Jerusalem

I the cane

Dr. Bernhard Farkasch hat DIE

Entdeckung im Cervantismus


Jerusalem =


Sieg Sieg Sieg

Sieg für Sigismunda

Gloria Victoria

für Sigismunda

und die Transsylvanier 

P1 Cerventina Music

We're looking for one investors for a commercial project analogous to

International Cervantino Festival in Guanajuato.

The project is not intended to replace the International Cervantino Festival in Guanajuato. It should be real satire. With the help of nice women

The whole project is based on the fact that I, Dr Bernhard Farkasch, have made a number of discoveries related to Cervantes and his works. I want to monetize this. With the help of a medium-sized entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur 1 (E1): Catholic, under 30, invests time and buildings, not money

Entrepreneur (E2): not, or not particularly Catholic, invests time and buildings, not money.

Entrepreneur (E3)

Invest buildings first, if it is foreseeable that the project will be successful, also money

for our joint project

Festival Cerventio Real del Bosque

Die drei un

It is meant to give a different perspective on religion, the religion that Cervantes is pointing to. Jihadism. But from a woman's point of view. Of course, as in Cervantes, the woman entrepreneur is called Amate

Ms. Amate was a middle-class entrepreneur who made her money from piracy, ransom racketeering and the virgin trade. Cervantes was her slave. Since no ransom was received for him, the danger that he would end up as Quixote was increasing. The danger of being sold and ending up in eternal virginity.

A similar problem slave girls also in the household of our madam Amate. They were virgins. They too were waiting for ransom. Because they should be sold to jihadist Ottomans. And be deflowered there.

Madame Amate wanted Cervantes to give her his giant. And Cervantes may have done that. With the help of the virgins who were in the house anyway.

new text

As an entrepreneur and investor, you are certainly interested

### Market valuation

### Business development

### Financial Analysis

### Cervantism

Please click with the mouse

new text

We are experts &

offer the best service

Unsere Expertise ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Gewinnspannen zu erhöhen. Wenden Sie sich für Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Marktbewertung, Geschäftsentwicklung und Finanzanalyse vertrauensvoll an uns. Wir haben das Fachwissen, das Sie brauchen. 


Our aim is to create texts that people enjoy reading.

These texts are the Bible. (Interjection) We want to make money! There are plenty of readings from the Bible on TV and with Catholics every Sunday at Mass.

An important reason to read from the Bible is the interreligious dialogue on the subject

bodily resurrection with its logical consequences,

There are more reasons for an entrepreneur to quote the Bible, but we won't reveal them publicly. If you want to know, you should pay for it!


Bible Cevantes


Identifizieren Sie Ihre Ziele und erreichen Sie sie

Nachdem wir Sie dabei unterstützt haben, zu ermitteln, was Sie wollen, werden wir gemeinsam den besten Weg finden, um es zu erreichen. 

Sie sollen nämlich mein Sklave werden. Also beim Gedanken mein Skl


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