Relief through de-escalation and public dialogue with freedom of the press
on the subject
The website is in phase 1, so actually not finished at all. Standard language is German. All other languages are automatically translated.
I ♥ freedom of the press.
Of course I mean me. and I want to make money from it. That I can spend in the fight for freedom of the press.
I ♥ press release
also meant sweet ♀ Autonomous at the Autonomous Congress in Bologna.
The revolution will be a celebration or it will not be.
I ♥ freedom of the press
also meant Rosa Luxemburg, Tuchozky, Wolinskyy and Schimpanzky
Roda Roda
I ♥ the Venus
I ♥ Jerusalem
I ♥ the cane
Dr. Bernhard Farkasch hat DIE
Entdeckung im Cervantismus
Jerusalem =
Sieg Sieg Sieg
Sieg für Sigismunda
Gloria Victoria
für Sigismunda
und die Transsylvanier
Here we see the Gigantic Spot, which Alexandra hands over to her Docinea. After having wet dreams of the dolce vita. Punishment for being a fascist.
Who is looking for stains on a sofa here? We fear it is
Mrs Baerbock
Because she is with the Ottomans fallen into Babylonian slavery. That's why she has to carry a backpack. As on the episcopal coat of arms of Pope Benedict. Because there was already a Baerbock for Baern. And he was pretty stubborn. the Bockbaer was amazed by a miracle and then settled down in amazement. He likes to carry a backpack. We want to ask Pope Benedict to maybe try a miracle. he wonders
It's about freedom from satire, which we want to fight for with the help of satyrs. However, also with nyphomaniac nymphs. but before we can fight for freedom from satire, we must fight for
freedom of the press
Wir sehen hier einen bekleideten Hintern und den jüdischen Philosophen Alain Finkelkraut.
Er überlegt sich zur Zeit ober er in den Dschihad ziehen soll. Und dabei für Pressefreiheit kämpfen soll. Zusammen mit Islamisten. Dazu muss er sich eine Sexsklavin zulegen. und einen Prügel,
Vor oder hinterher soll er philosophische überlegungen zum Thema Menschenrecht und Liebe durchführen.
es geht um den religiöse Meinungsfreiheit und den interreligiösen Dialog, die Sklavin von Alain Finkelkaut steht auf einem irdischen Sklavenmarkt, der himmlichen
Sklavenmarkt. Beim genauerem Hinsehen erkennt ♂, ♀ hat ein Lasso um den Hals
Männer müssen Putzen lernen und genausoviel Hausarbeit leisten wie Frauen, das meinen alle Frauenbeautragte der Welt. Stellvertrtend hier die Frauebeauftragte von Nürnberg
Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer.
Because that is the Gretchen question from Annegretchen Krampus Karrenbauer. How do you feel about cleaning?
All men have to clean. All, without exception, Jesus of Nazareth, Heraclio Bernal, Hercules, El Chapo and Hadschi Halef Omar Scholz. All Reichsbürger including Reichsbürger Tucholsky. And the drunkard Wolinsky. And the Titanic scribbler Schimansky, Schimpansky or something like that.
Being a good Catholic certainly doesn't mind relaxing
through interreligious dialogue. And she has often sworn that she will defend the West German constitution.
It's about freedom from satire. So lets start with satire. With men who don't feel like doing homework. The chores of men at home are of course cleaning, washing clothes and dishes. But there are men who do not want this. For example the old and new Heraclio Bernal.
And of course the Christos Jesus of Nazareth. He never cleaned either.
But suffered from it and died from it. The Muslims mean no.
He didn't die from it. We do not want to rule this out in our interreligious dialogue. We bring together real facts about slaves, slaves of God crucifixions and court sweeping.
Curtain up
We are followers of the great Transylvanian Tucholsky, satire is allowed to do anything. In addition, with Rosa Luxemburg we mean freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently. And besides, by a large Transylvanian we mean:
Anti-Semitism has done a great deal of damage to Germany. And anyone who doesn't see this is too stupid for anything. Just stupid. Also much too stupid to be a National Socialist.
That was certainly what the jihadist Tucholsky and the jihadist Rosa Luxemburg meant.
Because in the First World War, the Germans were allied with the Ottomans. And these had proclaimed a jihadist.
We want to continue to commemorate the German-Ottoman Brotherhood of Arms and do the Ottomans in Turkey a favor today. We renounce human rights and human dignity and become their slaves.
Curtain up for really great satires from the Habsburg Empire, especially from the military frontier. For the first time on the internet Don Quixote of La Mancha. A certain Cervantes. This one can be identified with the little angel in the middle below. This angel is obviously not in a good mood. Because Maria has the reins in her hand. More precisely curbs. And she's about to put it in his mouth.
As we know, Cervantes took part in the naval battle of Lepanto and then fell into Turkish captivity. He paid dearly for his love for Marie, as did Orlando di Lasso. And sings already on earth
Matona Mia Mia cara
Because his human rights were violated, he was made a slave. Because an animal, a horse that can speak.
And now this
Even in heaven, his human rights are violated. Please note the detail at the top left in the background. Because it is a horny goat who likes to watch porn. In Vulgar Latin about a satiricon. But where is this German-Hungarian satirical mini porn church?
Frida Kahlo's father may also have known her. I would like to be your Rabbi:
Because she says frantically to Leon Trotsky:
You were born naked, how about a bondage game?
More on this on our payment pages
new text
Ano Domini 1571, December
These galley slaves come from Nuremberg and are deported from your hometown. Because you should serve Mary You should, because Mary helped. At::
Ano Domini 1571, October 7 naval battle of Lepanto
Mary helped
Under the command of von don Juan de Austria
And since we are German, we have a holy lance
Our galley slaves will soon have a lance too.
Because they should serve Maria, and don Juan de Austria who received the holy lance from Maria. Because as a galley slave you live in celibacy. Because of Mary. pastora
For Maria is a good shepherdess who slaughtered our Nuremberg galley slaves for. The battle bench is the helm bench on a battleship. They are then slaughtered on this.
But where could you rent a yacht for the perfect vacation?
In Malta, of course.
there where the sea, cup heroes have a cup.
But maybe the galley slaves are lucky and they can leave the sinking ship and be fished out of the sea.
Wir gehen davon aus daß:
das Bild stimmt. Die künftigen Galeerensklaven werden so durch Nürnberg geführt. Zur Abschreckung potientieller Straftäter. Eine großen ein Ring um den Hals. Der wird festgechmiedet. Und kann nicht mehr entfernt werden. Der Ring hat eine Öse durch die eine lange Kette geführt wird. Falls eine Galeere untergeht, kann braucht nur ein einziges Schloss aufgemacht und die Sklaven können sich selbst befreien, indem sie die Kette aus der Öse ziehen. Danach können sie ins wasser springen. und sich an einem Wrackteil festklammern.
dort können sie den Ausgang der Schlacht abwarten, dann werden sie aus dem Wasser gefischt. Danach sind sie Eigentum des Menschenfischers, Person der sie aus dem Meer gefischt hat.
Speziel auf Malta, wo auch Cervantes kämpfte Den eiserne Halsring ist ganz praktisch. Eine neue Punze auf die das eisere Halsband und schon hat hat der Sklave eine neue Domina.
Wir von Malta, nicht nur deshalb weil dort die Becherhelden Cevantes und Juan de austria einen Becherten sondern auch die läufigen Galeerensklaven.
Und weil im deutschen Fernsehen ein feministischer Film über starke frauen auf Malta gekommen ist. Dominas die Männer (Galeerensklaven) dominieren.
Wann durften Galeerensklafen in Malta herumlaufen.
und juan de austria
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Nuremberg Anals
the Nuremberg Anals report that:
The future galley slaves were not led on a long chain but put in a cage. For they had no desire to be galley slaves, to serve Mary. German anals continue to report of barbers who bleed high blood pressure and have large tubs of hot water,
ide where you can bathe or be bathed.
and we already have a motif from Don Quixote. Because he too is put in a cage. And receives a sermon from his pastor. just like in Nuremberg
NewI know, LORD, that man's deeds are not in his power, neither is it in any man's power how he walks or directs his walk.(Ecclesiastes 9.11)(Proverbs 16:9)
24Chastise me, Lord, but with moderation and not in your wrath, lest you wear me down.(Psalm 6.2)(Jeremiah 46:28)(Habakkuk 1.12)25But pour out your wrath on the nations who do not know you, and on the generations who do not call on your name.
the whole sermon is herext
New textWwSo we atheists voluntarily renounce human rights and human dignity and are allowed to practice real satires. Of course, the satire of satire about the heavenly-earthly slave market. HOWEVER, a modern one where you can shop online and directly from the warehouse.
new text
NewAAt At this point we would like to point out that we Frida Kahlo and I are German-Hungarian people who basically come from behind. text
new text
Ich bin die osmanische Prinzessin Mihrimah und hätte gerne Meinungsfreiheit ,
nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern in der ganzen Welt. Meinungsfreiheit durch presse-,religions und Satirefreiheit.
I ♥ Jerusalem
weil dort der
irdisch himmlische Sklavenmarkt
stattgefunden hat
und I ♥ Sklaven und Sklavinnen,, die bei mir ihren demütigen Dienst antreten
Dear friends of freedom of the press and satire, this is our new mistress, the Ottoman Princess Roßa. A slave who was willing to be mounted by the Turkish caliph. As a slave, I no longer had a horse and said in the language of the riders / knights I am always bay Reut also in Bayreut.